Debunked: Lies We Tell Ourselves That Create Shyness & Social Anxiety

Those of us who suffer from social anxiety or who’ve been considered shy our entire lives know all too well that it’s a mental battle going on between our ears. The thoughts running through our mind keep us from being fully expressive. We’re not just in our head for fun, we’re in our head because there is a fire that needs to be put out and we’re doing at least what we think is our best

The great news is that we are the ones creating this internal conflict because of false beliefs we hold, the lies that we tell ourselves. This article will quickly debunk some of the most pernicious lies responsible for our awkward behavior.

The lies we tell ourselves all stem from one critical misconception, and that is that people do not want to be social or interact with us. This creates a whole host of other lies once deeply rooted in our minds.

We constantly tell ourselves things like “being social is hard” or “meeting people is challenging” or “it takes a long time to get over my social anxiety” and even to the degree of telling ourselves “I’m not good looking or cool enough to go speak with that person” not realizing that the fact you’re not cool enough is exactly what makes it even cooler to go up and speak to that person

All of these lies are debunked in our free eBook “7 Powerful Insights That Will Instantly Destroy Your Social Anxiety” which you can download by subscribing to our newsletter below.

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